New Speeches by John Bogle
Two new speeches have been added to Mr. Bogle’s site. The first was delivered before NICSA’s annual conference on February 20. The second was delivered at Pepperdine University on February…
John Bogle Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal
Today’s Wall Street Journal contains an op-ed by Mr. Bogle on the proliferation of exchange traded funds. In it, he writes: But if long-term investing was the paradigm for the…
Update from John Bogle
Mr. Bogle thought that his eBlog readers might appreciate an update explaining the dearth of activity here lately. Towards that end, the link below will take you to a memo…
Mr. Bogle’s Letter to WSJ Editor
Today’s Wall Street Journal contains a letter to the editor from Mr. Bogle, which was written in response to an editorial on corporate governance that ran in the November 27…
Two New Speeches
The first was delivered to the Free Library of Philadelphia, the second on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church. Library Speech Presbyterian Church Speech
Denver Speech
Linked below is the speech Mr. Bogle gave upon receiving The Exemplary Leadership Award from the Center for Corporate Excellence. Denver speech
New Speeches
Three recent speeches have been added to the eBlog. Click below or visit the Speeches page to view them. What’s Happened to the Mutual Fund Industry? The Tale of Two…
Read Mr. Bogle’s Comment Letter to SEC
Mr. Bogle recently submitted a comment letter to the SEC regarding their proposal to require an independent chairman for mutual fund boards of directors. Click here to read his letter.
Bogle Appearance
Mr. Bogle will be speaking at the Lake Placid Institute’s Adirondack Roundtable on August 5. Tickets are $20, and the event is open to the public. Click here to register…
New Videos Uploaded
Two new videos of Mr. Bogle are now available in the Podcasts section of the eBlog. Speech before the Boston Security Analysts Society – February 24, 2006 Appearance on WealthTrack…