To: Veterans and Principals
From: John C. Bogle
Date: June 8, 2015
Re: CFA Speech

I’m pleased to attach the text of the keynote speech that I delivered at last Thursday’s forum held by the CFA Society of Philadelphia.

It’s entitled “Putting Investors First,” clearly reflecting my long-time mission of developing a federal standard of fiduciary duty. I also talk about the incredible changes in finance in the past, and those we’ll face in the future.

Yes, parts of the speech may be contentious to some, but I think you’ll enjoy some of my career history (pages 4, 5, and 6).

Thanks to each of you, and best wishes, always.


P.S.      Earlier in the week I gave the keynote to the Annual Meeting of the Government Financial Officer’s Association (GFOA), some 3,000 state and local officials from (I suppose) every state in the Union, convening at our vast Philadelphia Convention Center. My remarks were short, followed by a 45-minute Q&A session that seemed to be a big hit with the audience. (Maybe I should do that more often!)

By Mike

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