To: Veterans and Principals
Date: January 28, 2014
RE: More Good “Ink” for Vanguard

1. “Having Enough, but Hungry for More,” The New York Times, January 17, 2014. Here, journalist Paul Sullivan contrasts three recent examples of Wall Street’s legendary greed with my own philosophy, describing me as “not one for the endless pursuit of prestige and wealth,” as he quotes me, “I don’t need any more” things in life. (He nicely refers to Enough . . .)

2. “Long-Term Thinking: 1800-2013.” The headline for this witty but profound essay from The Motley Fool on January 3, 2014, could well have added R.I.P. For the author announces the sad death of “Long-Term Thinking” on January 1, with “his last true friend, Vanguard founder Jack Bogle . . . at his side. He was 213 years old.” (That’s Long-Term Thinking, not yours truly!)

3. “Philadelphia: a Bedrock of Assets,” Investment News, December 9, 2013. In a twist I have not seen before, journalist Bruce Kelly salutes Vanguard’s role in supporting the large universe of registered investment advisers (RIAs) in the greater Philadelphia region, who have benefitted greatly by attracting talented men and women who have earned their spurs through our renowned training programs.

4. “The Legacy of John Bogle, the Man in the Arena,” Investment Advisor, January 27, 2014. This extensive story by editor-at-large Bob Clark gives high praise to the new book (The Man in the Arena), and makes more than a few generous comments on my life, my career, and my legacy. I found his retelling of the Vanguard story a thrill to read, and perhaps you will have the same reaction.

Best to all,

By Mike

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